NEW!! TGCA Spring Art Classes for seniors, adults, kids & youth

Great new art classes starting the first week of April!

Whether you’re pushing 90 or have yet to see 9 we’ve got an artistic adventure for you this spring! 

Watercolour, drawing, acrylic, cartooning, graphic art; these classes truly have something for everyone.

Our upcoming art programs have a pretty great line up of instructors as well. 

For our adult and seniors classes we’ve brought on the wonderfully charismatic and cultured, Charmaine Warne. Charmaine has lived in Thorncliffe for 20 years and facilitated programs at The Glenbow for over 10. 

Teaching our kids and youth cartooning classes is Paul Alvarez is professional educator and artist as well as a good understanding of our area after having taught at Thorncliffe School. 

There’s more info on them on our program pages. 

Find out more about the senior and adult classes on our adult programs page

Find out more about the kids and youth classes on our youth programs page

Don’t miss out! These are small classes of 8 and priority will be given to those who registered in the first session  for the remaining ones. 

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