As the snow begins to melt and buds poke their heads out for a peek, we’re all so eggs-cited to put winter behind us and welcome the Spring sunshine. The TGCA and our wonderful volunteers are so “hoppy” to bring you two fun contests to do at home this Easter and an amazing goodie giveaway, too!
Celebrate with us by entering either or both of the TGCA’s Easter activity contests, and make sure you register to come to the centre and pick up an eggs-ellent Easter goodie bag, too!
Register for the Goodie Giveaway by March 22nd!
Registration now closed for the goodie bag giveaway.
Register for your Easter Goodie Bag before March 22nd!! You’ll receive an email with the date, time and location that the goodie bags will be available at the TGCA.
Enter either of the contests for your chance to win some very eggs-ellent Easter prize baskets!
Great prizes to be won!! There will be Easter prize baskets for all the lucky winners, including TGCA Bowling and Pizza package certificates for up to 6 people! You get an hour of bowling, shoe rentals, a large 2-topping pizza and 2 jugs of pop! And there will be lots of other prizes and treats too!
Enter one or both of the activity contests by March 31st!
Get your little bunnies to work and enter 1 or both of these super fun contests by March 31st!
Here’s how:
- Create your Easter basket and/or Easter picture. Descriptions below.
- Take a picture of your basket and/or picture. If you want to scan your picture, please do. Make sure your picture is clear and our judges will be able to see all the creative and colourful parts!
- Label your picture(s) with the child’s name-particularly if you are submitting for more than one lil bunny.
- Attach your picture(s) and email them to v.gillard@tgcacalgary.com, and include your family name, address, phone number and which contests you are entering.
- Winners will be announced first week of April.
Easter picture contest
Draw a picture or colour an Easter themed colouring page from the internet! Put your pictures up in your window for your neighbours to see!
Use those creative skills to create an Easter scene or what the Easter bunny will be up to when he’s delivering your treats!