Update John Laurie Blvd. N.W. Restoration & Reconstruction Shaganappi Tr. To 14 St.

Transportation Infrastructure would like to provide you with an update regarding progress on the John Laurie Boulevard N.W. Restoration and Reconstruction project.

Construction & detour updates

As previously communicated, equipment has been mobilized on site and planning is underway for the first stage of construction.  Utility work is continuing at the 19 Street and Charleswood Drive intersections on John Laurie Boulevard N.W. and is expected to be complete by the end of June 2021.

To accommodate reconstruction work on the north side of the John Laurie Boulevard and Brisebois Drive N.W. intersection, westbound traffic will be temporarily detoured to the south side of the intersection (eastbound traffic lanes).

This detour will be in place from midnight on Tuesday, June 22 until approximately Wednesday, July 21. Four traffic lanes (two westbound and two eastbound) and all turning movements will be maintained;the Many Owls Valley Parking Lot at Nose Hill Park is expected to remain open most of the time. However, access to the parking lot may be impeded by construction activities and short full closures may be required. Advance notification will be provided to users.Detour signage and Variable Message Boards will be on-site to help direct traffic and pedestrians. An update will also be posted on the project webpage and email newsletter.

Throughout construction, there will be various temporary lane closures, lane shifts, and speed reductions. The project team will work hard to minimize the impacts to commuters and travellers in the area as much as possible, however delays are expected. We are asking the public to please follow all posted signage in the construction area, including speed reductions.

We will continue to provide your office with updates regarding this project. If you would like to share project updates with the public, I recommend that you direct them to our project web page where they can also sign up for the email newsletter. Feel free to share the above information via your channels.

I would like to provide you with an update regarding progress on the John Laurie Boulevard N.W. Restoration and Reconstruction project.

Construction & detour updates

As previously communicated, equipment has been mobilized on site and planning is underway for the first stage of construction.  Utility work is continuing at the 19 Street and Charleswood Drive intersections on John Laurie Boulevard N.W. and is expected to be complete by the end of June 2021.

To accommodate reconstruction work on the north side of the John Laurie Boulevard and Brisebois Drive N.W. intersection, westbound traffic will be temporarily detoured to the south side of the intersection (eastbound traffic lanes).

This detour will be in place from midnight on Tuesday, June 22 until approximately Wednesday, July 21. Four traffic lanes (two westbound and two eastbound) and all turning movements will be maintained;the Many Owls Valley Parking Lot at Nose Hill Park is expected to remain open most of the time. However, access to the parking lot may be impeded by construction activities and short full closures may be required. Advance notification will be provided to users.Detour signage and Variable Message Boards will be on-site to help direct traffic and pedestrians. An update will also be posted on the project webpage and email newsletter.

Throughout construction, there will be various temporary lane closures, lane shifts, and speed reductions. The project team will work hard to minimize the impacts to commuters and travellers in the area as much as possible, however delays are expected. We are asking the public to please follow all posted signage in the construction area, including speed reductions.

We will continue to provide your office with updates regarding this project. If you would like to share project updates with the public, I recommend that you direct them to our project web page where they can also sign up for the email newsletter. Feel free to share the above information via your channels.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at 587-998-2022 or via email at Adrian.Tanase@calgary.ca if you have any questions.

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