The 58th Thorncliffe Scout Group has begun!

Welcome back for the 2020-2021 Scout year. This year we will have some challenges with the continued Coronavirus. Safety is the prime importance of our youth and leaders. Scouts have developed a step-by-step plan to return to scouting. Starting September 1 we will be moving to stage 2 of the plan. This means in-person Scouting is allowed, but outdoors only, and we are limited in numbers. We believe that members should come back when they feel comfortable. We will add social distancing, use of mask, and hand washing sanitation to the program. Youth need to dress for the weather, bring a water bottle, and wear a mask. We do have use of the bathrooms in the community center.

Current membership has been extended from September 1 to December 31. We also are offering FREE TRIAL for non-members who wish to try Scouting, there is no limit to the number of meetings they can attend till December 31. If you have not signed up for the extended scout year, please do so by going to . If you would like to try Scouting contact

Our plan to start is to meet on the same nights as last year.

Beavers will meet Monday nights 630 to 730 pm starting on 14 September 2020.

Cubs will meet Thursday night 630 to 8 pm starting on 10 September 2020.

Scouts will meet Wednesday night 630 to 8 pm starting on 9 September 2020.

The first meeting we will have the youth assemble at the west entrance to the Greenview room stairs next to the flag pole. We will establish where we will meet in the future based on what Adventures the youth want to plan.

Any questions or concerns’ you can email or text me at:

Timothy Wallace


This year we will have a new fundraiser of coffee sales we will announce the details in the next month. Our popcorn sales have been delayed till spring. We will be starting our bottle drive watch for our flyers in your mail box. Your assistance helps the youth go on Adventures.

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