Spaces for Rent: Meeting Rooms
The 5600 Room
Self-contained with its own bar area, coolers and washrooms right outside the entrance, there is sufficient space for seating up to 30 people. This space is perfect for small organizational meetings, training sessions and fundraisers.
This room has a closet for hanging jackets, a podium for addressing the room, and a great area for food service or child care.
The rental comes with as many 3’ x 6’ tables and chairs as you may need for your event of up to 30. Approximately 17’ x 31’ in size and wheelchair accessible.
Interested in a fruit or sandwich tray? How about full catered dinner? We cater!
Hourly rental for meetings and classes
Non-prime-time: $42/hr + GST (7:00 am-5:00 pm)
Prime-time: $52.50/hr + GST (5:00 pm-10:00 pm)
Confirming your rental
When your one-time rental is paid for and the details are settled, it’s confirmed. If you are looking for an ongoing weekly or monthly rental, please check the calendar for the availability that you’re looking for, submit an inquiry and our admin office will contact you for a chat and further instructions.
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