TGCA Rezoning Info Session, Mar. 27

Mar. 27, 6:30 pm in the main hall

TGCA rezoning info session graphic The Thorncliffe Greenview planning committee and the TGCA Board of Directors invite you to come and learn about rezoning in our city. The planning committee will speak and take questions in this informal info session. Community members are encouraged to share their views and experiences with the committee and attending community members.

In response to the City of Calgary’s Housing Strategy, a proposal for city-wide rezoning to a base residential zone -R-CG, R-G and H-GO- has been put forward to our council and a public hearing will take place at city hall on April 22.

Rezoning is a complex concept and there’s a lot of information out there, as well as many perspectives on how this will impact our neighbourhoods.

As we grapple with the housing crisis in our community, let’s get together and share our views on the challenges we are facing, and face them together.

For more info on this issue, please visit the City of Calgary site here.

Perspectives gathered will be collated into a report to the City ahead of the upcoming public hearing.

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