TGCA Parade of Garage Sales 2022 – see the map!

Registration deadline for the sale has now passed. 

Registration for sales are now closed. Thanks so much to all of our awesome residents who registered!

We’ve got 24 sales on the map and it’s going to be a pretty nice day, so get out there and see what treasures you can spot!

MAPS – two ways to navigate the sales – Digital map and printed map:

1.       Follow the link in the button above to the digital map. Click on a sale (red icons) and see the following details: location notes (if any), items for purchase, purchase type accepted (ex. cash, e-transfer), hours of the sale, and if the seller would like visitors to wear a mask.

2.       Come to the TGCA office and get a printed map. We have 11×17 copies for anyone who wants one. If you want to pick one up after office hours, they will be in the bill board across from the office. The printed maps don’t have all the seller’s sale info on them; just the map with the addresses.

Take pics of the sales you go to, post them on Facebook and tag us and we’ll share them! @TGCA5600

Enjoy the treasure hunt everyone!


Have you been accumulating more and more and more things in the past 2 years? Is your house positively bursting at the seams with…stuff? Or maybe you’ve missed finding new treasures in your neighbours yard or garage? Well, we’ve got an event for you!

The TGCA is pleased to bring this event back in 2022 after a hiatus during the worst of the pandemic, so go through all that stuff you ordered, open up the storage closet and dig through the garage. It’s time for a good garage/yard sale!

When? Saturday, June 4. Rain or shine, so please plan for rain but let’s hope for sunshine!

What time? We’re asking that sellers have their wares out at 10 am – 3 pm, if you want to sell earlier or later, please include that detail in your sign-up form.

Who? Resident members of Thorncliffe and Greenview are invited to sell in their garages and yards. Sellers must have a TGCA membership to participate in this event. 

Become a member for $15 here

Payments? Sellers may take whatever form of payment they choose, most common will be cash. Some may use apps or payment services to take payments as well. These are private transactions of resident sellers and buyers and The TGCA is not responsible for this aspect of the event.

Map? The TGCA will share a link to a map of all of the registered sellers in the parade on May 31. If you would like a hard copy, please come to the TGCA office and we’ll print you one. Seller listings in the map will include the following: address, hours of the sale, types of items for sale (5), types of payment taken by seller, mask requirements.

Registration? Please make sure you are signed into your TGCA online account before registering. To register in the Parade as a seller, fill out the form at the bottom of this page. You may also fill out a form in the TGCA office to register. Registration will close May 30, 3:30 pm. Registration deadline extended to June 1 at 3:30 pm! Sign up today! 

Overview of membership account and how to sign into your account here

For phone inquiries, TGCA office: 403-274-6840

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