“Smart right-turns” to be installed at 64 Ave & Centre St

Via City of Calgary Infrastructure Services:

This is an update regarding the upcoming improvements at the intersection of 64 Ave N.E. & Centre St N.E., scheduled from mid-June to mid-August 2024.

The City of Calgary, in collaboration with our contractor, ALSA Road Construction, will be installing smart right-turn signals at the N.E. and S.E. corners of the intersection to enhance pedestrian and traffic safety and reduce collisions. Additionally, we will be upgrading the concrete infrastructure at the southwest corner to align the crossing with the new signal pole.

To facilitate the construction of the smart right-turn signal at the southeast corner, a fire hydrant will need to be relocated. This will result in a temporary water shutdown for businesses in the southwest corner of the intersection for up to four days. A temporary water supply will be provided during this period.

The hydrant relocation is anticipated to start in mid-June.



Construction activities will take place during non-peak, daytime hours, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday to Saturday, to minimize disruptions to traffic and ensure timely completion.

As the construction progresses, we anticipate several impacts on your area:

  • Construction noise and vibrations
  • Daytime lane closures with advance signage.
  • The hydrant relocation is anticipated (to start in mid-June.)


No parking disruptions in the area are expected. 

For information on upcoming projects in your community, please visit calgary.ca/improvements.

Please reach out to Andrew Chin in the Ward 4 office, CLWARD4@calgary.ca, with any questions or concerns you may have about the Various Street Improvements program. We appreciate your cooperation and support.

Centre St and 64th Ave map

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