We have created an email account communitysafety@tgcacalgary.com where you can forward concerns you would like the Calgary Police Service to look into further.
By forwarding your concerns to The TGCA, we can do two things: understand the concerns of the community surrounding crime, and then send those concerns to our assigned area CPS representative, Constable Lower.
Continue to report all issues to CPS no matter how small, it’s a critical component to ensure CPS resources can be allocated. Don’t assume others are reporting things – the more reporting the better! Report online at https://www.calgary.ca/cps/report-a-crime.html or use the non-emergency number – 403-266-1234.
Constable Lower can then arrange for directed patrols to areas experiencing issues based on the number of reported incidents.
See advice regarding crime in Thorncliffe and Greenview, and send us an email and report issues in the following categories:
Property Crime (Home/Auto/Garage)
- There has been an increase in car prowling – don’t leave valuables in your car or trunk keep them with you
- Sheds and garages are easily accessed, keep them locked
- For any property crimes in progress or have taken place in a two hour window if you have video or specific descriptions call 911.
Problem Properties
If you have concerns about illegal activity such as drug dealing happening at houses within Thorncliffe-Greenview the Alberta Sheriffs have a program SCAN https://www.alberta.ca/report-suspicious-property.aspx that allows you to confidentially report issues. The SCAN team will launch an investigation which was critical in helping shutter the drug house. Constable Lower also works with the SCAN team. You can also email us communitysafety@tgcacalgary.com and we will make Constable Lower aware of any problem houses. Do not approach the houses yourself, allow SCAN to open an investigation
If you notice ongoing activity in alleys or parks that might be illegal activity that is something Constable Lower can follow up on. Email communitysafety@tgcacalgary.com with details such as location, times and type of activity which we will pass on.
Social Disorder
- If you notice individuals camping or sleeping in green spaces/parks or around buildings call the non-emergency line 403-266-1234 to report it and CPS will come and look into it
- If you observe intoxicated or drug impaired individuals perhaps sleeping or hanging around the area we can call the DOAP Team – 403-998-7388. The DOAP team is a non-profit group who partner with CPS and will come pick up the individual(s) and provide them with food, shelter and other supports
- If there is immediate concerns for your and other’s safety based on individuals acting aggressively or in threatening manner call 911.
Community Connection
- The Thorncliffe-Greenview chat page has proven to be very effective in sharing updates and information on what is happening in the community. Encourage your neighbors to follow the page as an information resource. Don’t forgot to report the same information to the CPS using the sources outlined above
- Get to know your neighbors and watch for individuals that may not belong in the area
Home Safety
- Keep your car and garage locked at all times
- Motion sensor lighting can be an effective deterrent to keeping people off your property
- Cameras are also an option. If you capture anything on the camera share it with CPS
Staying engaged, alert, connected with neighbors and reporting issues are effective tools in keeping our community safe. We have also attached PDF versions of the reference materials shared, see below.