Extreme Cold in our City | How to help those in distress

Via the City of Calgary:

With freezing temperatures forecasted to begin over the weekend, our partners at the Calgary Homeless Foundation are working closely with a range of community agencies and outreach groups.

·        If you see someone who needs help call the DOAP Team at 403-998-7388.

·        If someone is in serious distress or non-responsive, call 911.

·        Calgary emergency shelters are currently operating 24/7.

·        Space remains available at emergency shelters, with occupancy rates around 79%.


Response Activities:

·        The free Calgary Transit Emergency Shelter Shuttle service will be activated on Saturday, December 17 and continue while the overnight forecast is -20ᵒC and below. Information on the Emergency Shelter Shuttle is available at calgaryhomeless.com/ccewr/sheltershuttle/.

·        The Salvation Army Mobile Warming Station is scheduled to be at a different LRT station each afternoon.  Locations can be found at calgaryhomeless.com/ccewr/mobilewarming/.

·        Warming spaces are available at various locations across the city with hours ranging from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM depending on location. A list of daytime warming spaces and other supports is available at calgaryhomeless.com/ccewr-resource-list/.

·        The City’s Animal Services Centre is accepting the pets of unhoused owners for up to 30 days. Access can be arranged through the DOAP Team or emergency shelters.

·        Outreach groups can access information about essential winter items at calgaryhomeless.com/ccewr/.

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