Donations needed for seniors’ social group

Thanks so much, Thorncliffe and Greenview! We’ve had some very generous folks donate a bunch of playing cards and a variety of about 8 board games and 5 puzzles too! We’re still looking for a Scrabble game if any one has one but other than that, we should be all set for next week, but if you have an extra Scrabble game or some general interest magazines, we would really appreciate if you could bring those by. 


The TGCA is starting a senior’s social group called Coffee Talk that will take place every Tuesday and we’re looking for donations of age-appropriate games and activities in good used condition.

Can you donate:

  • Scrabble
  • Puzzles – 1000 pieces or less
  • Playing cards
  • Magazines
  • Board games
  • Crib board

If you’ve got these items and they’re collecting dust, we’d be happy to rehome them for some local seniors. Please bring to the TGCA office Monday – Friday, 9 am – 4:30 pm. If you can’t make it during office hours, please call Vanessa 403-274-6840 to make other arrangements. Questions? Email

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