Corpus Christie Spring 2021 Clothing/Textile Drive Recap

In May 2021, our community was the site of a Clothing/Textile Drive which gave residents an opportunity to clear out their closets and bring unwanted items for recycling. Over 7300 pounds of textiles were collected. This helped residents in a wide range of situations from dealing with an estate, preparing for a move, or simple every-day “spring clean-up”.

The event was hosted by Corpus Christi Catholic Women’s League (CWL) at the Corpus Christi Parish Hall / parking lot. The CWL is a lay group in the parish who live their faith through service. The textile drive is one way they serve the local community. Even though sponsored by the CWL, the project is intended to benefit everyone in the area, and organizers were thrilled with the number and variety of people who came forward to help make it a success.

Feedback from people bringing items was that a similar event would be helpful in the fall of the year. Therefor another one is planned for September 27 to October 4, 2021. Share the news and invite everyone you know to clean out their closets and bring unwanted items to CORPUS CHRISTI PARISH HALL PARKING LOT at 5931 – 4th Street NW (corner of Thorndale Road and 4th St NW). Acceptable items include:

  • wearable, gently worn clothing
  • useable shoes (in pairs), belts and handbags
  • useable household textiles: table cloths, curtains, towels, bedding, etc.
  • soft toys

If you are bringing pairs (boots, shoes, gloves, mitts, socks) tie them so they stay together. Please make sure items are clean and dry and securely bagged.

If anyone has a clean, covered utility trailer they would be willing to lend for the duration of the drive, please contact Cheryl at or Tannis at

An add-on event planned for this fall is a book exchange on Friday, October 1 and Saturday, October 2. This is intended for general interest reading books (not “coffee table” books or encyclopedias).

Mark your calendar! And check Https:// for details as they develop. 

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