Community Garden at the TGCA!

Via the TGCA community garden committee: 

Hello fellow gardeners! 

Big news to share! You have probably noticed our community garden starting to take shape at the front south side of the community centre.  We are getting there slowly and hope to be requesting names of interested gardeners by the first part of June.  We were hoping to have it all put together sooner, but like most big projects, unavoidable delays happen.

We are super excited to be getting so close and we wanted to give you some information so if you are interested in having a garden box this summer, you will be ready when we are!

Information to note:

– Anyone living within the boundaries of the Thorncliffe Greenview Community are eligible to apply.  You do not have to have a TGCA membership.

– There will be no charge for this season’s use of a garden box.

– Gardeners will be chosen by means of a lottery.

– Only 1 garden box will be allowed per household.

– There are 27 available garden boxes with 4 of those being accessible for people with a disability.

– 16 boxes are made of recycled steel that is non-toxic and non-leaching.

– 11 boxes are made of high quality western red cedar (these boxes are currently being built by a local small company and are expected to arrive the end of May).

– Chosen gardeners will need to agree to 4 hours of volunteer time per season to help keep our garden area beautiful!

– There will be some tools, watering cans, etc. on site to use while gardening in our space.

– Gardeners will be responsible for supplying their own seeds, seedlings and plants.

– There will be tap water available for use as well as two rain barrels.

– There will be a composting system available for use by gardeners.

We hope this info gets you as excited as we are about this amazing new project. If you have any further questions please feel free to email: Maureen at

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