City of Calgary 2021 pathways and bikeways maps available in the office/main lobby

Most up-to-date bikepath maps now available in hardcopy at the TGCA. Maps are available in the TGCA office and in the main lobby at the billboard. 

via The City of Calgary:

The City of Calgary has updated its Pathway and Bikeway Map for 2021. The new map has been redesigned to support walking and wheeling as a preferred mobility choice for more people. 

The map can help Calgarians who want to connect to local destinations like schools, shops, recreation centers, workplaces and point of interest. The new 2021 design outlines bikeways and pathways throughout Calgary by identifying each route by level of comfort. The highest comfort routes are those that are completely separated from vehicle traffic, including pathways and cycle tracks. Other routes considered moderately comfortable to ride on include quiet residential streets or roads with dedicated cycling lanes. Busier streets shared by people driving and biking are generally less comfortable for all ages. The map is designed to help all walkers and wheelers more comfortably and confidently plan a route to their destination. 

A digital version of the updated 2021 Bikeway and Pathway Map is currently being developed and we will provide an update to Calgarians once it is completed. Currently the 2017 version is available on the link to the Interactive Map below.

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