2024 TGCA Parade of Garage Sales


Registration is now closed and we’ve got 22 sales in the parade this year! You can come to the centre and pick up a hard copy in the billboard in the main lobby or click the button at the top of the page for a link to the Google Map where you can click on each slae to see what they’re selling and what type of payment they take. Unless otherwise stated, sales are from 10 am – 3 pm. 


Go through all that stuff you ordered, open up the storage closet and dig through the garage. It’s time for the annual Thorncliffe Greenview neighbourhood sale! This neighbourhood-wide event is a great way to meet your neighbours and catch up with the ones you already know. 

Price? This is a free service provided by the TGCA and there’s no cost to sellers or shoppers. 

When? Saturday, May 11, 2024. Rain or shine, so please plan for rain but let’s hope for sunshine!

What time? We’re asking that sellers have their wares out at 10 am – 3 pm, if you want to sell earlier or later, please include that detail in your sign-up form and we’ll put it in your listing on the digital map.

Who? Resident members of the TGCA (live in Thorncliffe or Greenview) are invited to sell in their garages and yards. Sellers must have a TGCA membership to participate in this event. That means the sale address matches the address of the membership. 

Payments? Sellers may take whatever form of payment they choose, most common will be cash. Some may use apps or payment services to take payments as well. These are private transactions of resident sellers and buyers and The TGCA is not responsible for this aspect of the event.

Map? The TGCA will share a link to a Google map of all of the registered sellers in the parade on May 10 at 10 am on this page. If you would like a hard copy, copies will be provided in the TGCA main lobby bill board flyer slots. Sale listings in the map will include the following: address, hours of the sale, types of items for sale (5), types of payment taken by seller.

Registration? Only TGCA resident members may register for the Parade of Garage Sales. To register as a seller in the parade, fill out the form linked at the bottom of this page. You may also fill out a form in the TGCA office to register. Registration will close May 9, 3:30 pm.

Need tables? The TGCA has 3’ x 6’ tables to loan out to the community. If you want to borrow tables, you’ll need to pickup and drop-off. To make arrangements, please email or call Vanessa, v.gillard@tgcacalgary.com, 403-274-6840.

Thank you to our event sponsor:

TGCA Programming & Community Engagement Coordinator

Programming and Community Engagement Coordinator at the TGCA, v.gillard@tgcacalgary.com

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